About America's Electric Cooperatives PAC (formerly ACRE®)

Founded in 1966, Amercia's Electric Cooperatives PAC (formerly ACRE®) is the federal political action committee (PAC) of the nation's electric co-ops. NRECA's PAC supports political candidates who will speak for and protect the interests of electric co-ops and their consumer-owners. Backed by over 35,000 individuals making an average contribution of $65, the PAC is truly grassroots.

What are the priorities of the PAC?

America's Electric Cooperatives PAC is committed to supporting elected officials who will:

  • Keep co-op member energy bills affordable to improve their quality of life.
  • Help cooperatives ensure reliable energy service.
  • Assist members' efforts to use energy more efficiently.
  • Make renewable energy more affordable for cooperative members.
  • Help rebuild electric cooperatives after a storm.
  • Protect our nation's economy and jobs when making energy laws.